Our Mission

Helping multipliers unlock the multiplication dream that God has already put in their hearts. So that every man, woman and child in the world has the chance to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus in a local faith community.

Our Vision

A network of multipliers committed to saturating the world with Gospel-centered churches.


New Churches
New Leaders
New Disciples


Keep Jesus the priority – The Gospel is why we do this and all we do is out of a response of love for what He did first.

Fervent prayer and radical obedience – We affirm that any genuine church multiplication movement is birthed out of prayer and sacrificial obedience in cooperation with how the Spirit of God is already at work. We need more methods that are inspired by Scripture, but we resist the temptation to rely more on turnkey processes than Spirit-led means.

Pray, encourage and collaborate with each other – We were meant to work and celebrate with each other and not to be competitors, critics or cynics. We defend and depend on each other.

Make disciples that make disciples – Come follow me and I will make you a fisher of men. No fishing = no following. Transformation and multiplication not just education is the desire.  Church planting methodologies have often focused on executing a project plan for launching large group gatherings rather than on developing appropriate disciple-making strategies.We avoid any strategy that side-steps or deviates from multiplying disciples as the primary vocation of the church.

Every Church multiplying – There is the seed of multiplication in every church. Apple trees are not the goal but rather apple orchards. We affirm that it is the responsibility of local churches to plant and care for new churches. Church planting movements empower the local church to not only grow through addition, but to also release in multiplication. The gospel trajectory of North America could continue to stagnate unless local churches take responsibility for discovering, developing and deploying church planting teams from within. While at times it has become necessary for denominations and networks to catalyze new churches, we believe that a healthy pattern for ongoing multiplication is through a local church’s internal disciple-making processes.

Beautiful diversity – Men and women participating and leading in mission from different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We long to see people reconciled to God and to one another. We resist dividing a whole gospel by separating Jesus’ command to love our neighbor from his commission to make disciples.


Our Partners

These are the folks who make up 1000 Churches and who have committed together to make the dream of 1000 new churches by 2030 a reality. If you would like to join us in the achievement of this dream, simply fill out the contact form and let’s talk about linking up for greater effectiveness!

Dr. Dwight Nash has over 32 years of pastoral experience in places such as Oklahoma, Chicago, New Orleans and Dallas. He has been bi-vocational as well as full-time as he served in his many roles of youth pastor, small groups pastor, lead pastor, church planting pastor and District Superintendent. His doctorate and dissertation in church planting included the creation of a virtual residency that has been implemented and used in many venues over the last eight years.

Dwight has spent the last 15 years helping church planters to fulfill their God-given dream of planting a church. With over 50 church planters helped so far, his “well-done” in life is to play a part in starting 1000 Churches over the next 10 years nationally and internationally.

He would love to hear about the dream God has placed in your heart and work alongside you, using his experiences and providing encouragement, to make that dream a reality.

Give Dwight a call at 214.458.3981 or fill out the form below to get in contact with him through e-mail.

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